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It’s a beautiful color and a nice texture. It serves the purpose though because I wake up without a bunch of tangles in my hair (which is almost down to the small of my back) and I sleep with it all bunched up on the pillow above my head.
It really looks amazing with the purple 💜 I can't wait for the day I can make my bed without hodge podge stuff and actually be a bed. I've purchased 3 colors and gift then and they are all amazing quality and comfortable.
Reversible Satin Bonnet with Adjustable Band Heidi
This is so soft and great to keep the frizz away. And it’s very cute. I bought one for all my girls!
The quality is unmatched!!! So happy to be doing business with you!!!!! Love,love, love my custom bonnet
H & R Enterprises Music & Production (H & R Enterprises)
Lovely products. Turnaround time is good too
Shatorria Cobb
Me and my girls wear our bonnets every night. I love that it fits nice and snug on our heads and the silk material not only protects our hair but it also locks our moisture in after a good wash, condition and oil. I highly recommend build-a-bonnet not only for the reasons I mentioned but you can also pick your own style and pattern! I love it and will be placing another order in very soon!!!!!
Franklin Nesmith Jr
I got the red, black, & green pan-african flag satin bonnet and it's so fly I'm about to order another one! Get hip!
Sertoya Nicklos
True satin! Very snug but comfortable, doesn’t come off at night , and hair healthy. I highly recommend!
Denise Lee
I ordered two bonnets for myself and my daughter, We absolutely love them the fabric is soft they stay on very well the colors are vibrant the material used has good quality! The bonnets came sooner than the estimated delivery date! When I ordered I had confuse them a little bit and they reached out to me personally to make sure that they had the order correct before shipping. I would definitely recommend getting bonnets from Build-A-Bonnet, Their customer service is great.
fortnite lovers
I love my pillow case, scarf and bonnet. I wear my bonnet sometimes as outerwear and it looks great with my attire. My scarf is all purpose , it serves as a head wrap and accessory for my outfits depending on what I’m wearing. Thank you BUILD-A-BONNET
Angela Pasley
I love it! It actually is still on when I wake up in the morning! I love the fact that you can wear it on either side👍🏼😊
Marcus Pitts
I purchased a pillow case that came quickly and I love it. Its great to sleep on, and the purchase experience and simple, quick and easy.
mike brown
Quality of the bonnets were great. My daughter loved it and write soon she got it. Definitely going to buy and support again
Healthy Brown Girl
I purchased the cap made for locs and I love it. My locs are shoulder length now and this cap will be able to accommodate my locs as they grow. The material is top notch both inside and out and I love the colors.
Dawn Schlueter
Justyn Cole
Build-A-Bonnet has the best quality products I have ever experienced. As a father of 5 girls, I understand just how important it is to have quality hair wraps and bonnets. The option to customize each one making them all the more special and unique. I will surely be a repeat customer.
Jasmine Gray
I love my bonnet now I never have to worry about my hair being messed up and the face mask are perfect
Gazmine Mason
I love it! My other bonnet was so small and always fell off my head at night. This is perfect. She did an amazing job! Thank you so much. It’s reversible too! Going to refer this business to everyone I know. It’s Black owned too. 🙏🏾